
For the full publication list, please see my Google Scholar Profile.

Selected Journal Papers

  • [J4] K. Wang*, C. -T. Lam, and B. K. Ng. On the Impact of Phase Errors in Phase-Dependent Amplitudes of Near-Field RISs. in submitting.

  • [J3] K. Wang, C. -T. Lam*, and B. K. Ng. RIS-Assisted High-Speed Communications with Time-Varying Distance-Dependent Rician Channels. Applied Sciences, 2022; 12(22), 11857. [Link][Code]

  • [J2] K. Wang, C. -T. Lam*, and B. K. Ng. On Hardware Aging for Practical RIS-Assisted Communication Systems. Electronics Letters, January 2023, Vol. 59 No. 2. [Link]

  • [J1] K. Wang, C. -T. Lam*, and B. K. Ng. Positioning Information Based High-Speed Communications with Multiple RISs: Doppler Mitigation and Hardware Impairments. Applied Sciences, 2022; 12(14), 7076. [Link][Code]

Selected Conference Papers

  • [C11] K. Wang*, C. -T. Lam, and B. K. Ng, etal. How Phase Errors Influence Phase-Dependent Amplitudes in Near-Field RISs? In 2024 IEEE 100th Vehicular Technology Conference (VTC2024-Fall). [Paper]

  • [C10] K. Wang*, C. -T. Lam, and B. K. Ng, etal. Near-Field RIS-Assisted Communications Considering Practical Loss Factors. In 2023 4th International Conference on Computers and Artificial Intelligence Technology (CAIT), pages 1–6, Dec. 2023. [Link]

  • [C9] J. C. Ji*, C. -T. Lam, K. Wang, and B. K. Ng. A Dynamic Negative LL Optimization Method for Device Selection in FL with OAC. In 2023 the 9th International Conference on Computer and Communications (ICCC), pages 1–6, Dec. 2023. [Link]

  • [C8] C. -T. Lam*, K. Wang, and B. K. Ng. Channel Estimation using In-Band Pilots for Cell-Free Massive MIMO. In 2023 IEEE Virtual Conference on Communications (VCC), pages 1–6, Nov. 2023. [Link][Paper][Slide]

  • [C7] K. Wang*, C. -T. Lam, and B. K. Ng. How Long Can RIS Work Effectively: An Electronic Reliability Perspective. In 2023 IEEE 98th Vehicular Technology Conference (VTC2023-Fall), pages 1–6, Oct. 2023. [Link][Paper][Slide]

  • [C6] T. H. Ho, K. Wang*, M. Xu, C. -T. Lam, and B. K. Ng. Optimization of Public Bus Scheduling Using Real-Time Online Information. In 2022 IEEE 20th International Conference on Smart City (Smartcity), pages 1–6, Dec. 2022. [Link]

  • [C5] K. Wang*, C. -T. Lam, and B. K. Ng. How to Deploy RIS to Minimize Delay Spread in HST Communications: Railroad Side, or Train Side? In 2022 IEEE 22st International Conference on Communication Technology (ICCT), pages 1–6, Nov. 2022. [Link]

  • [C4] K. Wang*, C. -T. Lam, and B. K. Ng. Reconfigurable Intelligent Surface Assisted Communications using Dynamic Rotations. In 2022 IEEE 22st International Conference on Communication Technology (ICCT), pages 1–6, Nov. 2022. [Link][Code]

  • [C3] K. Wang*, C. -T. Lam, and B. K. Ng. Doppler Effect Mitigation using Reconfigurable Intelligent Surfaces with Hardware Impairments. In 2021 IEEE Globecom Workshops (GC Wkshps), pages 1–6, Dec. 2021. [Link][Code]

  • [C2] C. -T. Lam*, B. K. Ng, K. Wang, and E. Law. Channel Estimation using In-Band Pilots for Uplink Massive MIMO. In 2021 IEEE 21st International Conference on Communication Technology (ICCT), pages 1–6, Oct. 2021. [Link]

  • [C1] K. Wang*, C. -T. Lam, and B. K. Ng. IRS-aided Predictable High-Mobility Vehicular Communication with Doppler Effect Mitigation. In 2021 IEEE 93rd Vehicular Technology Conference (VTC2021-Spring), pages 1–6, Apr. 2021. [Link][Code]